In reaction to the Town Hall meeting on Thursday:
When is the administration going to take a proactive approach to solving the many different issues on campus? Symbolic gatherings in the name of progress contribute to nothing more than an insured continuance of the status quo.
The gathering at Memorial Hall was prompted more so by fear than by a true commitment toward solving the problems on campus. During Thursday, the specters of Missouri, Cape Town and the BSM-UNC protests of the late 1960s lingered high above the audience, and especially Chancellor Carol Folt.
The administration should be admonished for both their lack of awareness and their reactionary and insincere measures on Thursday. In addition, Clarence Page should be admonished for his condescending attitude and bullish reactions to many of the speakers during Thursday’s gathering.
The Town Hall on Thursday was equivalent to someone with a closed mind, closed ears, an open hand, and the expressive body gesture of “go away, are you not satisfied yet?” Only time will tell whether the school is going to take a more proactive approach or whether the school is going to continue its same disinterested stance of neutrality.
Marty Davidson
Political science