The first part of the meeting was dedicated to giving an update on NCAA resolutions regarding time demands of student-athletes, which have been discussed in previous meetings.
The resolution discussed in Tuesday’s meeting would refer those previous proposals back to the Autonomy 5 Conferences’ governance structure for further review. That group of five major conferences includes the ACC.
Lissa Broome, a committee member and UNC’s faculty athletics representative to the ACC and NCAA, said she thinks the resolution will pass.
“Another good reason for postponing action now is the NCAA just did, last year, its big survey of student-athletes and time demands and so on, and that information has not been publicly released yet,” Broome said. “It’s supposed to be released at the convention, so we should have more information.”
Intercollegiate Athletics Report
The committee also discussed excerpts of the Intercollegiate Athletics Report for UNC-system schools dated Dec. 15, 2015, which included minimum course requirements, minimum admission requirements, student-athlete vs. non-student-athlete GPA and academic integrity regulations.
“There is a lot of information being collected system-wide, including some points of comparison that may be useful to this group,” Broome said.
Of the 157 student-athletes recruited by UNC-Chapel Hill for the 2014-15 school year, only four were considered minimum admission requirements exceptions, meaning they did not meet requirements in that area but were still admitted.