v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
I got an email from the PSP listserv informing me I could not contribute to the PSP listserv without being on the PSP listserv. SMH.
More convinced than ever that students need regular coursework on crosswalks and traffic lights.
Shame on you, “Mama Manager” for airing dirty laundry and openly scolding your DTH “Kiddies.” I do, however, thank you for that Honey Boo Boo moment.
Although I’m sad about He’s Not closing, I have to wonder if he was ever even really there.
The next time my inbox gets filled with 40 emails from idiots who requested to leave a listserv by replying all, I’m signing them all up for every last f*cking listserv in this entire University.
To the pre-health advisor who is holding a seminar called So, You Think You Want to Go to Med School?: Do you thrive off the tears of the broken pre-meds you have failed??
When the teacher calls on you in class, but the only reason your hand was up is because you were dabbing to celebrate the Panthers.