Given your interest in the education of the children of North Carolina, we are writing to inform you of the the Chapel Hill Math Circle. This initiative will serve over 150 children in grades one through 12 from the Triangle area and will be a vehicle for identifying and nurturing talent through the joy of solving challenging mathematical problems.
We invite you to come see us in action this or any Saturday this semester as we engage children in Phillips Hall at the UNC Chapel Hill campus. To ensure the longevity of the program, we are also training over 15 volunteers, both as instructors and support staff. We even have a group of parents who will organize weekly snacks for the children.
As you can imagine, a project of this magnitude relies on the munificence of sponsors and volunteers. To discuss how you may contribute to our project, please contact us and we will gladly hear your ideas.
Thank you for your support. Kindly distribute this information. Perhaps the children in your family will want to join us.
Prof. Linda Green
Hector Rosario
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics