I’m here to speak out for Bonnie Hauser. She’s on the Democratic ticket for County Commissioner District 2. I’ve watched Bonnie for a number of years now as she unflinchingly stands up for the people of District 2. When it came to an unwanted airport being put in our backyards, Bonnie stood up against it, creating “Orange County Voice,” a local community group still thriving. We succeeded with Bonnie’s help and as a result today do not have daily airplanes droning overhead.
Bonnie also worked in coalition to get rid of the shameful landfill on Rogers Road, securing there long promised amenities. She protected Cane Creek Reservoir from logging and helped launch Project Engage, an outreach program for seniors.
I trust and like Bonnie. Why shouldn’t we put her to work for District 2?
Gabriella Tal
Chapel Hill