To the member of Kappa Delta that dressed as a homeless person for a party:
Not even 40 feet outside of your sorority, there are people experiencing homelessness on Franklin Street.
Do you see them? Do you understand that they are victims of a racist and classist social structure that systematically oppresses them, and that by making a joke out of their situations, you’re perpetuating that oppression?
A sign you held said, “Will twerk 4 topperz.” We are disgusted.
To the KD members who didn’t wear the costumes, but were present at the party:
Your silence is complicity, and it equally perpetuates the structure that keeps people homeless.
The events at KD are not isolated (i.e., The incarceration-themed party, “Kappa Kops,” held by Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Sigma Phi at Duke on Feb. 17). How is it that students can make it through four years of higher education without realizing the gravity and reality of homelessness, institutional racism and white supremacy?