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Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Maybe all you need is love, but friends, food and a good book can make even the coldest Valentine’s Day a little warmer. Staff writers Rebekah Guin and Matt Lopez interviewed students and Chapel Hill residents and asked if they had any plans for the day of love.

Melisa Isik, first-year biology student

DTH: Do you have any plans tonight?

MI: Yeah, I am going to study.

DTH: Do you have a Valentine?

MI: My books are my Valentine. I’m a very studious person.

Lindsay Carbonell, junior media and journalism student.

DTH: I love that you are making Valentines. Do you have someone to give it to?

LC: I am going out to a restaurant with my boyfriend. I am making this card for him. This is our first Valentines together.

Caroline Reed, sophomore biology student, and Hannah McKenney, sophomore biomedical engineering student.

DTH: Are you going out tonight?

CR: I have six boyfriends and they are all going to take shifts going out to dinner. I’m just kidding. I am going to be painting tonight. I went to brunch with my family, and now I am spending time with my friend. Tonight I will just study and paint.

DTH: Will you both be together for the rest of the night?

HM: I’m having dinner with my boyfriend. We are having calzones with pimento cheese.

Marco Carini (left), senior foreign exchange student and economics major.

DTH: Tell me about your plans for Valentine’s.

MC: Is that today? Is that really today? Well, my friend and I just had lunch. I will probably be in the library for the next six hours studying.

Emily Boone, sophomore dental hygiene student.

DTH: What are doing for Valentine’s? I see that you have roses.

EB: Well, this dude gave me these roses, but I have a test tomorrow, so all I am doing for Valentine’s Day is studying.

DTH: Have you made plans in past years?

EB: No. I have never had a Valentine before.

Emily Wheeler, senior nutrition student, and Nathen Maltba, junior at North Carolina State University.

DTH: What will both of you be doing tonight?

EW: Well, he has to work, so we are just doing Valentine’s on Tuesday. We are having lunch today, but we will be going out for cheesecake.

DTH: Tell me about your relationship.

NM: We are engaged.

EW: We are celebrating our first engaged Valentine’s Day. It is our first and our last.

Owen Ruth, first-year biology student. 

DTH: What are your plans for the day?

OR: I am actually not doing a lot. I am out getting coffee with a friend. Is it Valentine’s Day today?

DTH: It is Valentine’s today.

OR: I feel like it has been Valentine’s all week. Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!

Sandra Soliman, first-year public policy and economics student.

DTH: What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?

SS: I’m spending time with me, myself and I, and I’m going to get a bottle of pink Moscato, drink that to death and listen to francophone pop and watch Sundance films.

Khaleelah Elhajoui, first-year linguistics and biology student.

DTH: What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?

KE: For Valentine's day, I’m holding a séance to reunite with my dead husband on the third-floor Craige lounge.

DTH: How are you going to do this?

KE: I have an oracle already set up, and we’ll just see where this goes.

Phillipe Best and Lindsay Lerman, salesperson and philosopher, with their daughter, Sabine. 

DTH: What are you doing for Valentine’s Day this year?

PB: We came down to Chapel Hill for a long weekend to see the sights.

LL: We don’t ever celebrate Valentine’s Day — we thought a little getaway would be a nice change of pace from never doing anything.

Elton Rodgers and Ashley Davis, seniors at UNC. 

DTH: What are you doing tonight?

ER: We plan to go to the skating rink and then eat dinner at home.

Alex Haggis, first-year, amateur ventriloquist.

DTH: What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?

AH: I am resigning myself to solemn contemplation.

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