v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
If DPS really uses parking ticket revenue to maintain roads and parking lots, then I have personally eradicated all the potholes on campus. You’re welcome.
To the DTH columnist who extols smoking as a way to widen your social circles: It is true. Smoking will make you many new friends over a lifetime, mostly among health care providers.
If Margaret Spellings believes in free enterprise so much, why doesn’t she start her own company instead of getting paid $775,000 to lead a public university system?
To the kvetcher from last week, Lord Grantham’s dog was named Isis too so STFU.
I keep hearing people talk about their Spring Break plans to travel and I am just like “my bed at home is the only place I want to be.”
Fuller House is an afront to great 90’s television.
TEDx should be shorter.