Voters between the ages of 18 and 24 have the lowest voter turnout among all other age groups. Facing startling truths like this, student government teamed up with UNC’s chapter of North Carolina Public Interest Research Group to increase political participation among UNC students.
Together we’ve tabled in the Pit, hosted residence hall registration events, made class announcements and had multiple The Daily Tar Heel and Carolina Connection interviews. All of this was done with the goal of supplying students with the tools necessary to make their voices heard in the political sphere. And this semester, we’ve had the largest impact on voter registration in the history of our partnership. Thanks to everyone’s hard work we registered nearly one-third of the 4,335 new voters under the age of 30 in Orange County!
Because the North Carolina primary election is held over Spring Break, we are doubling our efforts to ensure students are aware of early voting. We are working relentlessly to give students a voice in this year’s election because if we all cast our vote, our voice will be deafening.
Houston Summers
Student Body President
Ashleigh Pickett