Hi, my name is Lucy, and you might know me. I’m the student cashier at Mainstreet Lenoir on the Chick-fil-A side. However, as of 3 p.m. today I am quitting, so here are my not-so-secret confessions, including all the dirty details of the place you eat every day ...
Confession 1:
I check out/attempt to flirt with every cute boy who comes through my line. One time, somebody even asked for my number after I rung up his food... score!
Confession 2:
I’m not gonna bust you for putting soda in your water cup. I really don’t care.
Confession 3:
Whenever the credit card machines go down and you have to write your PID or swipe your One Card (that doesn’t have any money on it) , you aren’t actually getting charged. It’s just a façade so you don’t tell all your friends about the #phreefood.
Confession 4: