I congratulate the Carolina Union Board of Directors for their letter urging the Tar Heel community both to confront “healthy conversation that allows for an array of perspectives and opinions” while avoiding “marginalizing groups of our fellow students.” I suggest that we draw a line between the content and the delivery of our opinions. In terms of content, I’ve encountered other people who have ideas that I disagree with, even find obnoxious or reprehensible. They have every right to hold these opinions, to express them and to assemble peacefully with those who agree. The sky is pretty much the limit; we don’t owe anyone anything in terms of the substance of our beliefs.
In terms of delivery, however, we do owe each other. We owe each other mutual respect: avoiding attacks on their motives, their personal characteristics, their integrity. We need to listen to others the same as we want to be heard. Even, as I find in my neighborhood, Dook fans.
Joe Swain
Class of ’ 77