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The Daily Tar Heel

Kvetching Board for April 1, 2016


v.1 (Yiddish) to complain

DTH: 1/2 HB2, 1/2 “our editors in chief in waiting hope to be more diverse.” So close.

DTH runs more coverage of editor platforms than SBP. Can all readers vote on this or something?

It’s on US to think more critically about what it means to be a gender exclusive group on campus.

It’s on US because, like, 1.5 of us went to the Queer Trans People of Color rallies against HB2 so we feel like we should do SOMETHING, ya know?

It’s on US to pay more attention to the incredible work done by existing anti-violence and feminist groups.

Aren’t wings an important part of our local culture?

Apparently not! They didn’t make the Carolina’s Finest list published by the DTH.

Now I don’t know where to go for wings: Linda’s, Hickory, Bailey’s, Old Chicago?

Severely underwhelmed at UNC-CH and system official responses to HB2. Never thought I would see a day I would rather be a Blue Devil. #WeAreNotThis

Student Stores is in real deep doo-doo if the DTH editorial staff doesn’t know the difference between RFP (Request For Proposals) and RTP (Research Triangle Park).

Fraudsters attempting to cost UNC millions ... interesting how phishing scams and Student Stores privatization proposals are similar.

When your professor asks you to describe an employee who is high performing and you say one who works in Colorado.

It’s pronounced “yee-roh.” Love, your favorite Bottom-of-Lenoir cashier.

Wait, what happened to the Real Silent Sam Coalition?

A kitten dies every time someone cuts the RISE Biscuits and Donuts line, oh short three kitten-murderer girls.

If DPS really uses parking ticket revenue to maintain roads and parking lots, then I have personally eradicated all the potholes on campus. You’re welcome.

To UNC baseball: You’re wearing Nike uniforms, don’t tell me you can’t afford to put argyle all the way around the sleeves.

My dorm’s showers get instantly hotter whenever someone flushes a toilet anywhere in the building. And not just a little bit hotter, it is like lava being poured all over you.

In response to Ben Shapiro, we should have a guest speaker talk about “The Right’s Obsession With Being Consistently Wrong and Assholes.”

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