Like many people in Chapel Hill, I was disappointed when I went to bed last night. Little did I know how disappointed I would be in the morning. I was greeted in my office this morning by a red-eyed colleague who is visiting my lab to work on analyses for her dissertation.
Yesterday she expressed concern about being able to sleep through potential festivities after the game — she is renting adjacent to campus.
It was a valid concern. She was awakened by noise and dialed 911 while “two angry young men” smashed the windows of her car and raked rocks across and smashed windows of other cars in the lot.
My colleague is in Chapel Hill because we are a top research university. Up until last night, I think she was impressed by the place.
She has enjoyed her interactions with the faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students at Carolina.
She is no longer impressed. What sense of the place will she take back to her home institution? Will her story of UNC be about reckless disregard for others?
I am sure it is a waste of time, but I encourage the classless individuals who committed this vandalism to apologize and accept responsibility for their actions.
I also encourage the entire Carolina community to condemn such criminal nonsense.