UNC biology and biochemistry professor Aziz Sancar, who won the 2015 Nobel Prize in chemistry, grew up in a rural area in southeastern Turkey.
Along with the Harriet Fulbright Institute and the Institute of Technology, Education and Diplomacy, Sancar created the Girls in STEM Project, which will engage 700 girls in STEM education throughout Turkey. The project will reach seven Turkish cities between April 8 and May 21. Staff writer Mashal Aamir asked Sancar about the project.
THE DAILY TAR HEEL: What brought about the idea for starting a project like this?
AZIZ SANCAR: When the announcement was made that I won the Nobel Prize, the Turkish media contacted me and asked for my opinion on all kinds of things. During those interviews I repeatedly mentioned that we in Turkey need to give equal opportunities to our girls and that means to emphasize their education, because in rural parts of Turkey many parents do not send their girls to school at all or stop after elementary education, and I always thought this was unfair.
I felt strongly about this and repeated it to the media, so (a) gentleman called Gokhan Coskun contacted me. He works for Harriet Fulbright Institute...
He is CEO of the organization, and after hearing about my statements he contacted me and said since you feel strongly about this and I have similar interests, then if you agree I will use our resources and go to Turkey and educate our girls in STEM.
We specifically wanted to emphasize STEM because it is a fact of life — even at UNC, professors who have degrees in STEM make more money than in humanities. So to be competitive, we should emphasize STEM education — not that humanities education isn’t important, of course it is important.
DTH: How will you be assisting this project given your busy schedule?
AS: I gave a video conference, and I will participate in various press conferences after the initial program is completed, on May the 24th I believe. Right now the plan is to have STEM camps in seven cities for a hundred girls in each city, so 700 in total, and when it is completed then there will be a closing function which I will attend in Turkey.