The Board of Aldermen implemented a new method of discussion for their work sessions throughout the fall.
Names of Board of Aldermen members were randomly drawn and assigned to small groups, which then sat down with town staff to discuss different topics related to the advisory board and human services assessment.
The small groups rotated around the room and discussed a different set of questions at each table.
At the end of the discussion, town staff read a summary of each group to the entire room, although many ideas were discussed independently in the different groups.
The small groups first discussed ways to update the advisory board policies and procedures.
Some changes that were suggested were technical changes to the application, such as changing “sex” to “gender identity” and adding a mobile phone number to the application.
Other suggested changes related to more general ideas, such as the reapplication process for advisory board members and voting procedures.
The Board of Aldermen shifted their discussion to the human services next.