As a member of a fraternity, the article you published titled, “Just what you need: a safe space for white men,” baffles and disappoints me.
I am outraged that you could be so ignorant as to paint such a misrepresentation of who I am. To use such a blatant stereotype is tired, lazy, low-quality journalism.
First, you kicked off the piece with a short foreword, which amounted to little more than an omission of responsibility.
The little blurb about The Daily Tar Heel claiming this has no relation to any fraternity is the same thing as a child saying “no offense,” before he launches off into a joke about his friend’s mom.
Do you really think anyone is that blind?
Moreover, you publish an unrealistic, exaggerated view of what a fraternity member is, which I can only assume you arrived at after watching “Neighbors.”
I think the point of your message was to vilify, or satirize, what you perceive as an example of an oppressive patriarchy that is intolerant of people who are not like-minded. What I cannot understand is how you thought bashing a significant portion of the student body was a good way of fighting intolerance and ignorance.
To be clear, if a piece like this had been submitted that was instead about being a person of color or a member of the LGBTQ community, the author would have gotten crucified. The only thing you have achieved in publishing this article is further splitting apart the student body.