Senator Richard Burr is making great changes for the American people that we can all be proud of. For his commitment to education reform and economic growth I am proud to cast my vote for Sen. Burr this November.
Sen. Burr has a track record of success in working with others across the aisle. He cares about making education affordable and accessible for everyone. That’s why he helped cut loan interest rates for college students by half.
A Carolina student taking out a $10,000 college loan this year will save over $1,800 thanks to Sen. Burr’s Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act. He has also introduced the Boost Saving for College Act, a bipartisan bill that will enhance 529 college savings plans.
Sen. Burr wants to give tax credits encouraging low- and middle-income families to save for college, encourage bosses to match the college savings of employees and roll over unused savings to a retirement account.
He has also introduced the Repay Act, which would make monthly loan payments smaller and easier to manage.
Sen. Burr knows that all too often, government gets in the way of achieving the American Dream. By simplifying the tax code, eliminating crony capitalism and making childcare more accessible, Sen. Burr’s economic policies will help us build wealth and start our careers once we leave college.
Join me in voting Richard Burr for U.S. Senate this Election Day. Let’s elect someone who will fight for us.
Will Rierson