Bravo to Delaney Robinson (Daily Tar Heel, September 14, 2016, ‘I did everything a rape victim was supposed to do’) for having the courage to “go public” about the horrendous sexual assault she experienced in February. And another “Bravo” to her dad for his support and love.
I am utterly disappointed and, I should add, disgusted with the treatment of this brave young woman by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After being cited by the Federal Government a few years ago, the University wrote a new policy for dealing with sexual assault, ceased using the honor court as a site for adjudication of assault cases and “promised” to change the culture surrounding sexual assault involving its students.
Clearly there has been no promise kept and there has been a failure to implement the “new” policy, at least in this case. The University’s treatment of Ms. Robinson is worse than shameful, and we should all be wondering what has happened to others who have preceded her.
Deborah Finn
Class of ’73