I went to a “Chai Chat” (I know, so liberal elitist.) attended by UNC Muslims to discuss how we can improve the image of Islam. Everyone was so idealistic, so sure that by being nice, helpful and positive, people would deem us more than just terrorists. It saddened me because I think no matter what us underlings do, the next second a crazy Muslim will blow something up, and that will be that.
According to my dad, after every attack, we should flood the streets and declare our horror loudly.
I pointed out, “We’d be out there ALL the time!”
“Fine!” my dad said. “We stay out until this stops.”
He later declared that to undermine the antics of terrorists, I must excel as a student.
“Let people know your good work, that you’re the best.”
This seemed like a tall order, and given my duty to man the streets all the time, how’m I also supposed to be the best student?
“Not you!” he hastily amended. “If there’s 5,000 Muslims living in Charlotte, and just 100 come out for each outrage, that’s enough. But you, you just be the best student.”
“That’s a lot of pressure,” I countered. “I’m probably not the best at anything.”