Dear David Council,
You stated that the Republican Party is not made up of Nazis. I will remind you of things your so beloved Republican Party and its candidate for president of the U.S. have said or supported in the last eight years.
First, they have repeatedly shown great disrespect to our sitting president, purely based on his race, for there is no other explanation for their agreement to block everything he has done.
Your party and their candidate have openly said they/he supports religious tests, wants Muslims to carry ID’s (extremely similar to what Germans did to Jews), said Mexicans crossing the border are “rapists, murderers and criminals,” said that African Americans are more violent and less intelligent and even said they are less moral, said that if you have two intelligent people who have a kid that their kid will be more intelligent and superior, his supporters have degraded anyone of color or another religion other than Christianity and want Christianity to be a “state-supported” religion, thereby demeaning other religions.
In addition, Trump has failed to fully denounce hate groups that have latched onto him and anyone in his crowd spewing racist remarks and violence at rallies or violent rhetoric ... currently some of his fans and even him are calling for Hillary to be assassinated and overthrowing the government. Lastly, Hitler was infamous for lying and his men, lying often because they felt if you lie enough the public will believe you. This is why Hitler and the Nazis were able to murder over six million people based on their ethnicity and religion.
I ask all Republicans who believe in a fair and equal system that embraces freedom, equality and non-violence to denounce Trump and his violent and immoral friends. For if you don’t you are no better, you’re actually worse, and yes, you’re embracing many of the same notions Hitler had as well as the Nazis.
Kathy D. Morgan
Chapel Hill