I seldom comment publicly on political issues. However, the most recent video of Mr. Trump and Billy Bush discussing women in the most vulgar way possible is truly sickening. I know many Republicans, and respect their ideas and opinions. I think civil disagreement and discourse are the trademarks of a healthy democracy. I consider myself an Independent.
As a woman, I have experienced sexual harassment, and survived attempted sexual assault. Unfortunately, I know many women who have experienced much worse. The behavior of both men in this video could not be more degrading to women.
So this is my plea: Republicans, please call for Mr. Trump to step down, and choose a new candidate whose character and integrity is worthy of the office of the President of the United States. Do it for your wives, your daughters, your partners, your girlfriends and yourselves. Women, do it so that your husbands, boyfriends, partners and sons have a role model who truly believes in valuing not only women, but people of different backgrounds and faiths, and anyone who does not fall into the stereotypical concepts of “perfect” and “normal.” Every person in America deserves a better future than this.
Edana Kleinhans
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures Department