Since the partnership began in March 2014, the Orange County Department of Social Services and SafeLink have issued over 3,500 cell phones to Orange County residents.
The program in Orange County currently provides unlimited texting and 500 minutes for the first four months after registration, with 350 minutes per month thereafter. The phones are paid for by the Universal Service Fund.
Robert Gilmore, human services supervisor for the Orange County Department of Social Services’ employment services unit, said the partnership began in a parking lot.
“One day there was a car parked in the Social Services parking lot handing out phones to individuals out of a trunk.” Gilmore said. “We took this wonderful resource out of the parking lot and into the world of social services to help low-income families become connected to employment.”
The parking lot resource was a representative of SafeLink Wireless, which provides families with cellphones and other electronics as a part of the Wireless Lifeline benefits program, which was created in 1985.
William Ditto, director, leader and executor of the Lifeline Assistance Group, said the partnership has improved awareness for the free phone service.
“Before, we had agents scattered everywhere across the county and now we are able to actually be located inside a place where many people need our service,” Ditto said.
Through the partnership with SafeLink, the Orange County Department of Social Services has been able to expand its opportunities for unemployed people in the area.