For the first time in 40 years, PlayMakers will perform in the round — a stage arrangement where the audience sits in a full circle around the performance.
Director Desdemona Chiang proposed the new arrangement. She said she wants to enhance the experience for the audience.
“We want the audience to feel like it’s watching the play in a container, and then by the end have them feel like they’re in the play,” she said.
Sophomore communications major Calliope George will appear in The Crucible alongside professional and student actors. George said she’s excited to work with PlayMakers and with Chiang.
“I really like working with her because she does a lot of work not just on a literary level, but also on a social justice level,” George said. “She looks at plays as not just stories, but speech and change. Things that can be taken outside of just what’s in the script and cast into a bigger context.”
George said she believes Chiang’s decision to perform the play in the round will make things feel more real for the audience.
“In real life we don’t usually see people straight on,” George said. “We tend to see different sides of people, so I think something like this will make it a little more real for people.”
Chiang said this performance is about showing audiences that The Crucible, a story of pitchforks and witch-hunts, is applicable to our society today.