Today, students will vote for the second time in 2016 on whether or not to separate the Graduate and Professional Student Federation from the undergraduate student government. To see where students stand on the issue this time around, staff writer Paige Nehls asked students: “How will you be voting in the referendum — 'Two for Two' or 'Better Together'?" Students will also have the choice to vote for "no," supporting neither option.
56 out of the 75 people polled were not aware of the referendum. Eleven supported "Two for Two," and one supported "Better Together."
Sophomore Tahjamare Warren, global studies
Two for Two
“I was listening to a graduate student speak … and she was talking about how the needs are very different for graduate students versus undergraduate students, and about how a lot of the fees that they pay, for school fees, really benefit undergraduate students more and not really meet the needs of graduate students. So it just makes sense then if we’re going to have, like, two different age groups of people on the same campus that have completely separate needs the governing bodies really should be, need to be, different…”
Sophomore Kennedy Whiteside, global studies