Sometimes I leave conversations with Europeans questioning if I have any legitimate reason to be proud to be American. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that yes, I do, and I think today is an especially good day to explain why.
Before I start, it’s important to note that I get a wide range of questions about America from Europeans — not all of them so challenging as to make me question my citizenship. Here are some of my favorites:
Is North Carolina in there between New York and Maine?
Don't you guys sing your national anthem, like, every day?
(Yes, after we kiss our framed group photo of the Founding Fathers and before we walk our dogs, Liberty and Justice.)
Wouldn't you just die if Donald Trump becomes your president?
(I hope not.)
America is especially interesting (and confusing, and disgusting, and amazing, etc.) to people who aren't from it. While these are some of the funnier examples, most of the questions are political and some are cultural. Once they're done, the questioners usually conclude with a grimace and it-must-be-hard-having-a-home-that-is-a-train-wreck eyes.