It’s finally (almost) here!
The day we’ve all been waiting for. No, not Election Day, the more important one — Wednesday.
The day after Election Day will mark the end of our two-year-long suffering, and we’ll be able to peacefully watch TV again without being bombarded by campaign ads.
No more signs all along the road, no more debates and definitely no more mobs of people interrogating you on whether or not you’re registered to vote.
With that being said, there’s still some important things you need to get done before the big day.
You should probably go and vote, but more importantly you need to post that bomb-ass selfie to let all of your followers know you fulfilled your civic duty (and tag The Daily Tar Heel. We'll retweet you).
But, even more importantly, you need to make sure you bring your A-game when it comes to captions so that your picture stands out in the sea of #ImWithHer’s and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain’s.
So if you’re struggling with a caption, look no further, I’ve got you covered.
- #ImWithHarambe
- #WWKBD (What would Ken Bone do?)
- “Take over the world when I’m on my Donald Trump shit” — Mac Miller