v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
To the TA who was making his recitation wait while he was in line to get Obama tickets — that’s savage.
The source of Donald Trump’s power comes from drinking liberal tears. Thanks to the entitled millennials on this campus alone, that man will live forever.
The collective crying on social media about how the world is ending and the future for America is dead is my new reason for living.
Really?! No election called on Wednesday? How am I even supposed to know who’s President?! #SemiConcernedCitizen
Nevermind, I’ll just use SnapChat filters to keep up with current events. #SemiConcernedCitizen
Still out here playing Pokemon Go. I understand what it must feel like to be on the Walking Dead. “Is anyone alive out there?!”
Just 13 hours and counting until the outcome of the presidential election. Kind of like prepping for a colonoscopy and fearing the results.