In the editorial “Moneyball for all” you talk about the issue of gender inequality in professional sports. Although this problem can be confined, it is a very complex issue.
In order to allow non-male athletes to try out for “male sports” teams, we first have to deconstruct our societal views one step at a time. Since the formation of societal constructs, females and males have had different roles in society.
This could be because of our physical structures or our upbringings, but this change in our society could be compared to breaking down a brick wall. Breaking down this wall and expecting society to change its views is dangerous.
Although I agree with the statement “there are no legitimate reasons to deny any motivated person the opportunity to pursue their passion,” this issue is much bigger than just pursuing one’s passion.
It is dealing with our perception of gender roles.
The solution to this problem is to first accept our biological differences, but not let that hinder our opportunities as an individual.
Jaein Yoon