“The board believes the chancellor’s performance is all the more commendable in light of the unique challenges facing the University in the last several years,” Stone said.
In his remarks to the board Bradley Opere, student body president, expressed his hope for unity in the University in light of recent political events and the split between undergraduate student government and graduate student government.
Folt said she did not think the split in student government would affect the composition of the Board of Trustees and she has yet to receive a proposal for the split.
“We’ll have a lot more to talk about when they have gotten to that next phase,” Folt said. “I think it is very important. I think it is in the end going to be much better for everybody. I loved the way that I heard Vice Chancellor Crisp and the Student Body President talk about the ideas that are being discussed.”
The board approved everything presented in committee meetings and met in closed session for two hours and 45 minutes.