This is the season when we look to the year ahead and make our wish lists. As a mother, I have a special list of wishes, one I think will be helpful for all:
1. Fewer children suffering from asthma attacks — asthma is (a major) reason why children miss school in North Carolina, and it causes quite a few missed days of work for parents as well. Poor air quality can make breathing disorders worse in both children and adults.
2. Safe air quality for children playing outside and adults working and exercising outdoors. Too many North Carolinians are at health risk from poor air quality.
3. Electricity from more clean, renewable energy sources — North Carolina is one of the leading producers of solar energy; let’s build on our growth and add to our wind energy industry.
4. Continued protection of the Clean Air Act that has prevented thousands of illnesses and saves lives.
My greatest wish is that our children can count on clean, healthy air both now and in the future.
Allison Lawrence Jones