The Mu Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha and the Black Student Movement’s Celebration of Black Womanhood co-hosted a panel on Monday called "The Double Standard," which discussed issues of slut-shaming and infidelity in relationships.
What happened?
Senior Boateng Kubi led the panel by posing several questions relating to modern relationships and dynamics on campus to five panel members and to the audience. Kubi said he was pleased with the informal nature of the panel and was glad that audience members felt comfortable participating with the panelists.
“I think it was a very interactive conversation, which is how we wanted it to be,” Kubi said. “People were sharing experiences and helping others learn from them, and the audience (was) very interactive and asking questions from the panel, and the panel would ask questions back . . . that’s the feel we wanted it to be.”
Who spoke?
The panel included first-year Mariah Warner, sophomore Jamari Cortez and seniors Tamera McLeod, Alex Neal and Ingrid Jackson.
Jackson said she was glad to participate on the panel because she thought the space for dialogue it provided was important.
“The slut-shaming is important to discuss when you’re talking about roles of women in society and double standards,” Jackson said. “It’s important to make sure that we’re thinking about all realms of feminism, male and female, and fidelity in relationships. That’s important to me.”
McLeod said she was glad to participate in the panel because she feels she brings a fresh perspective.