Campus activism
Peeples and Staton said activism includes not just walkouts and protests, but also taking the time to understand and respect different forms of activism and anything people are doing to speak out.
“A secondary role in activism is also important,” Peeples said. “Listening and supporting the voices of people who are putting on these marches.”
Patel and McKenzie said despite it sometimes being difficult to reconcile certain issues on a personal level, it is important to stand in solidarity with others.
“They’re issues that we might not be able to understand and we may not be able to feel on that personal level, but that we are able to recognize them and say, ‘Hey, we have your back with all of this’,” McKenzie said.
While answering another question about capitalism and white supremacy, McKenzie used the term “colored people.” After an audience member expressed concern, he apologized.
“I think my privilege as a white male is going to follow me the entire year,” McKenzie said. “I think it’s a conversation I’m always going to want to have and be transparent about it.”