The Faculty Council meeting on Friday discussed amendments to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, contextual grading transcripts and the UNC Center for Civil Rights.
What happened?
The proposals to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance were recommended by the Committee on Student Conduct and affected several sections regarding academic dishonesty. The Faculty Council approved all proposed amendments.
The description of a “minimal” offense was proposed to be amended because the current definition does not define an Honor Code violation.
The term was previously defined academic dishonesty as “despite a clear intent and effort to produce honest work.” The proposed definition describes the academic dishonesty as not having the potential to subvert academic work or give an undue advantage over other students.
Intent was proposed to be removed from offense descriptions as well.
The Educational Policy Committee recommended against implementing a contextual grading transcript, which would include additional grade descriptors like median course grades and “grade census” dates to freeze the contextualized information.
The Faculty Council also discussed a proposed resolution by the UNC Board of Governors that is seeking to eliminate litigation capacity of the UNC Center for Civil Rights, a portion of the UNC School of Law.
Who spoke?