Based off of the hit TV show “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,” the movie centers around five teenagers whose lives are forever changed when they stumble upon some mysterious power coins — each of them a different color.
Soon after, they find themselves infused with superhuman strength and other incredible abilities.
However, their newfound powers come with a great task — defend earth from the evil Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks), the former Green Ranger who lost her way.
The movie stays mostly true to the concept of the original series, although there were a few missteps.
One might think this is a coming-of-age story. After all, we’re introduced to some of the Power Rangers in detention, “The Breakfast Club” style.
Jason (Dacre Montgomery), the star quarterback of Angel Grove High School, pulls a stupid prank that lands him in hot water — with the school and the police. And yet he’s supposed to be the leader, the Red Ranger.
Billy (RJ Cyler), the Blue Ranger, lands himself in detention for blowing up his locker. Despite being quite intelligent, a lot of his mannerisms and commentary lends himself to being most of the film’s comic relief.
Kimberly (Naomi Scott), the Pink Ranger, is a popular girl with a mean streak. But after losing some friends, she sets out to change herself for the better.