As a candidate for student body president, it begrudges me that I have not been afforded the opportunity to display my legitimacy as a candidate through this medium like former candidates and my current opponent. I have remained unassociated with the drama of allegations and dirty politics, though this has not been the paper’s focus. It has focused on the “shady” allegations that questioned my character and not how carefully my campaign has followed the rules. Equally qualified for this position, I have not been represented as such.
Constantly quoted last, the use of unprofessional photos for online profiles and misquoted on a few occasions, it troubles me that the most important news source on campus has not been unbiased and objective in its presentations of candidates in what will be one of the most historic SBP races of our time.
I am a black man that has been sexually assaulted and understand the intricacies of an adjudicating process, co-guided the revitalization of a student organization, have ample experience in student governance and nurtured relationships with many administrative members that will help advocate for student needs.
I write this letter requesting that candidate profiles, paraphrased and quoted responses and hearing results be objectively presented to the Carolina community. The Daily Tar Heel has a responsibility to represent candidates with the same respect and to utilize accurate rhetoric depicting stances on issues and character representations.
Always, with LOVE,
Maurice Grier
SBP candidate