The Clothesline Project, made possible by the work of various UNC and Chapel Hill feminist organizations, raises awareness of sexual assault and provides resources to survivors.
The artwork is meant to empower survivors, with phrases like, “I do not exist for your consumption,” and “Give me compliments not bruises,” lining the edges of the sidewalk, written on the shirts which were made mostly by survivors.
The Clothesline Project will be on campus today in Davis Library.
Elizabeth Chen, an event planner for Carolina Advocating for Gender Equality, said the Campus Y organization brings the Clothesline Project to Chapel Hill annually, with help from the Orange County Rape Crisis Center, Feminist Students United (FSU) and the Senior Class Marshals.
“CAGE annually does this,” she said. “We have a partnership with the OCRCC — we do this every year with them.”
She said the Senior Class Marshals provided equipment and logistical help in setting up the Clothesline Project outside of Wilson Library.
The Orange County Rape Crisis Center, which provides services for victims and their families, set up a booth at the end of the rows. Lahari Pullakhandam, an ambassador for the Crisis Center, said the OCRCC provides multiple outlets for survivors in the county.
“We go out into the community and do outreach events. We have tried to put the mission of the OCRCC out there and just show support to the survivors,” she said. “UNC specifically brought the organization together with the FSU, CAGE and Senior Marshals to hold this event.”