The decision to become a columnist this year was, in some ways, a very easy one.
After being on the editorial board my sophomore year, I knew I wanted to do something that was more individually and creatively me.
Thus, Lens of Onyx was created.
At the same time, the decision to write this column was a difficult one.
Aside from a few columns from an internship at a local newspaper after my first year of college, I had never had my opinions broadcast to the world in such a public manner. For an introvert like myself, the idea of that was scary.
Don’t get it twisted: I wasn’t afraid of backlash or people disagreeing with me. That’s going to happen regardless. During my time as a columnist, I got my fair share of critical emails. It was expected.
What I was truly fearful of was that my words would be received well. As one of the most modest people you will ever meet, I run from spotlight and praise.
In addition, I was afraid of being wrong. I look back on some of the things I wrote in high school and cringe, as I’ve evolved so much as a person since that time.
I kept asking myself: “Will I look back on my columns and cringe at those?”