Maybe tone down your loud celebrations of the last week of classes (LWOC) around your med school friends. Students in the Medical Science Semester 1 have classes until May 26 — a day that most of us probably have marked down as a day of carefree fun. Future doctors deserve a summer vacation, too!
Quick hit and run
This is the last Quick Hit section of the 2017-2018 school year. Sad! Actually it is probably a benefit to society. Who wants to read our smug, not that funny cartoon thumbs? We don’t and we write them! We’re kidding, we appreciate people who appreciate these quick hits. Thank you for reading them.
RIP comfy chairs
Pour one out for those comfortable boxy chairs in the UL basement. Back in the day, one could push two of them together to create the perfect studying (or napping) fortress. We will miss those chairs, but we will treasure those memories. That said, did UNC throw away those chairs? If not, can we have them?
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The end of spring semester is always bittersweet. For one, school is coming to an end, which means no school. But it also means a lot of your friends are leaving for the “real world.” Also, it means the start of summer internships which might be more stressful than school. Ain’t no rest for the wicked.