CORRECTION: Due to a reporting error, the original version of this story conflated an after-school program grant for Chapel Hill Public Library with a grant to establish the Triangle Learning Network that went to UNC. The story has been updated to reflect these changes.
The Library Services and Technology Act grants are federally funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services are awarded to various eligible North Carolina libraries.
Cooper said she was proud to present the grants for the North Carolina libraries, which totaled $2.3 million.
“In addition to distributing federal library funds for competitive brands to local libraries, the (Institute of Museum and Library Services) provides funding that is also directed to state-wide program and resources that benefit all libraries,” she said.
Cooper also noted that under President Trump’s proposed budget for 2018, funding to the Institute of Museum and Library Services would be eliminated.
“It is worth noting that this agency is placed for elimination under the president’s budget, which would mean a loss $4.6 million annual funds to the state libraries,” Cooper said. “I want to thank our state library staff for all they do to serve the citizens of our states.”
Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger emphasized the importance of these grants to the Chapel Hill Public Library.