Sept. 26 marks the School of Media and Journalism’s annual First Amendment Day. The day-long event serves as the School’s way of celebrating the Constitutional amendment that makes our field possible.
The ability to criticize the government and publish without fear of reprisal are necessary in the journalistic mission to serve as a governmental watchdog.
But, the rights protected by the First Amendment — those of speech, religion, assembly, press and petition — are not limited to the media. Such rights remain integral to every American’s freedom and are ever relevant, especially in light of various protests that have taken place around the nation in the past few months.
There will be many opportunities for UNC students to get involved in the festivities over the course of the day. First Amendment Day kicks off at 9:30 a.m. on the steps of Carroll Hall with an opening ceremony, which will be followed by debates, panels, lectures and even a ukulele ensemble. The day will culminate in a First Amendment trivia night at Linda’s Bar and Grill.
We're especially looking forward to the student debate on ethics and the First Amendment in conflict, as well as the panel "Who can speak at Carolina? The state of free expression at UNC."
So, come get involved and celebrate your First Amendment freedoms while learning a bit more about them.