Dear UNC Community,
I wanted to announce my candidacy for Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board.
I have served local children as a pediatrician, parent volunteer and leader of the local Orange Chatham Chapter of the Autism Society of North Carolina and of the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Special Needs Advisory Committee.
Now I would like to step up to advocate for a broader group of students and the community.
While Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools have served many students well, there are still important areas needing improvement.
Equity, the achievement gap and appropriate supports for students with disabilities still demand attention, as does the mental health of students.
We must ensure that all students feel safe and ready to learn.
And if we want to avoid losing students to charters and private schools, we must work hard to maintain excellence in terms of rigor and breadth of courses, including the arts and STEM classes, teacher quality and facilities.