My name is Fouad Abu-Hijleh, I’m the current treasurer for the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group on campus, and I have something I’d like you to cover in an article.
Today, several posters calling us (SJP) terrorists were hung up around campus (I have pictures of them).
As an Arab and a Muslim, I constantly have to deal with this kind of blatant bigotry and stereotyping on and off campus, and have yet to see any coverage about it on any kind of media outlet in Chapel Hill after the shooting of the 3 Muslim students in 2015.
I think it’s important to make the campus-wide community aware of the hate and intolerance we as SJP are facing, and perhaps the underlying prejudices about Muslims and Arabs in general on campus.
You have a platform, an opportunity to voice our unheard frustrations. You can help us as well as other people raise awareness about the hostilities we are exposed to on a regular basis. Please consider writing about this.
Fouad Abu-Hijleh