In the United States, around 1 in 25 adults experience a mental illness that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities. A nonprofit in Carrboro is working on giving those suffering from these debilitating mental illnesses a place to call home.
Club Nova, in Carrboro, offers a variety of services including access to housing, education and recreational opportunities and chances at employment.
They focus on a well-rounded approach to mental health care which is extremely important. Oftentimes, due to the stigma surrounding mental illness, people are dehumanized and labeled only by their illness. Family, friends and employers often fail to look past a person’s diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder — making the resources offered by Club Nova’s experiences even more meaningful.
Currently, Club Nova is hosting the inNOVAtion Capital Campaign. They are attempting to raise $3.5 million dollars for a new building. The construction includes plans for study and employment preparation, a full commercial kitchen and an 80 person dining room.
This new expansion will help Club Nova service the 1 in 17 people in Orange County who experience serious mental illness.
Supporting this endeavor means supporting an organization whose holistic approach to mental health care works to destigmatize mental illnesses as well as support a better lifestyle for those who have them.
There are several organizations on campus dedicated to mental health, like the Mental Health Ambassadors, National Alliance on Mental Illness and Active Minds. Destigmatizing this phenomenon is already something UNC students and the surrounding community take seriously.
The board encourages the Chapel Hill community to support Club Nova’s well-rounded mission. If you have the opportunity to donate or would like to learn more about its upcoming expansion, you can do so at
We can and should support those in our community who are living with mental illness by supporting local organizations like Club Nova.