There is nearly a 50 percent chance your data was compromised in the recent Equifax breach.
The data released from the breach included names, Social Security numbers and dates of birth — the only three types of data required to make an online credit monitoring account.
Many students have not yet created these credit accounts through the three credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, and it is possible fake accounts have been created in your name.
If you believe your information may have been breached here is what you should do:
First, request a free annual credit report from if you have not this year. If you come into trouble requesting the report online, it is likely your data has been breached.
Alternatively, you will need to request a report over the phone or through mail.
If you are able to receive a report, you will be able to see any illegitimate accounts and report them as fraud.
Next, you should freeze your credit account through all three credit reporting agencies so that no additional accounts can be made.