Congratulations! Your Jan. 15 edition that appeared Tuesday, due to the MLK holiday, finally showed what a propaganda rag the DTH has become under the current staff which is hell bent on pushing their agenda against Silent Sam.
The half page color photo of a campus protest implies it happened Monday on MLK Day —but the caption reads last Wednesday. The photo was clearly taken back in the fall with green foliage on the trees in the background and everyone in short sleeves.
The giant headline “The Legacy Continued” was tied to your editorial cartoon combining Dr. King with the image of Sam.
I can understand your need to keep the controversy going in the new semester — especially with upcoming Student Body elections, Dance Marathon and basketball tournaments dominating the campus conversation but really, does the DTH have to resort to “Fake News” to push its’ agenda?
Give us a break.
An actual photo — taken in January — and properly captioned would have been more honest and up to DTH standards.
Marion Redd