Student Government at UNC-Chapel Hill was built on the foundation of student self-governance and a promise to serve all.
Since our birth 200 years ago, we have been rewriting and redefining what it means represent students and how to make a lasting impact on campus.
If you have any interest at all to serve as a voice for the student body and engage in a dialogue about the issue(s) impacting our campus, you should consider running for The Undergraduate Senate.
As the Undergraduate Legislative Branch of Student Government, we handle funding requests for Undergraduate Student Organizations, maintain the Student Governance Code, and respond to request from Undergraduate Students.
Recently, we called upon the University to create a Center for Latino/a students, and last semester we allocated around $200,000 to groups on campus.
For this year’s Spring General Election, 60 seats are open for students who want to leave their footprint on campus.
The Mandatory Candidate’s meeting(s) will be held on January 29 and January 30 at 6:30 pm in Hanes Art Auditorium 121.
Senators from the 99th Undergraduate Senate will be in attendance to answer any questions those interested may have.