Every new Tar Heel that steps foot on campus anticipates an exciting, unforgettable next four years. It’s only fair that the culminating event of graduation should be capped off with a speech from a Tar Heel who’s gone through the same journey to find success and fulfillment, however they may define those qualities.
This year’s commencement speaker, social entrepreneur Rye Barcott, follows the heelprint left by last spring’s speaker, journalist Brooke Baldwin.
Since 2010, UNC graduates have been honored with speeches from Anne-Marie Slaughter, Jason Kilar, Atul Gawande, Stephen McConnell, Michael Bloomberg, Edward Wilson and John Grisham.
There’s definitely a way to balance social prominence and proximity to UNC’s legacy in our dream team of potential speakers. In no particular order, here’s the editorial board’s wish list, featuring some of our favorite UNC alum:
Ken Jeong, Mia Hamm, Shalane Flanagan, Roy Cooper, Roy Williams, Michael Jordan, Brice Johnson, Frank Bruni, Mamrie Hart, Lewis Black, Wyatt Cenac, Emily Steel, Scott Jacobson, Bryan Tucker, Jim Rash, Adam Reed, Zora Neale Hurston and James K. Polk.