With Hurricane Florence hitting parts of the east coast and quickly approaching the Triangle area, Chapel Hill restaurants are remaining open as long as they possibly can, despite many of their student employees evacuating the area.
Emily Jones, front of house manager at Four Corners, said the restaurant plans to keep regular business hours Friday and Saturday.
While the impending storm and University’s closing hasn’t yet affected its hours of operation, Jones said Four Corners is operating with a shorter staff as many of their student staff members took the University’s advice and evacuated the area.
Pete Dorrance, an owner at Lula’s, said their plan is to remain open as long as possible. Dorrance said around 80 percent of the front of house staff at Lula’s is students, and while some of the student staff members have left, the University’s decision to close has affected their customer population more than anything.
Dorrance said he couldn’t tell the younger staff not to evacuate if they felt the need to do so.
“We definitely won’t stand in the way of what the kids want to do — what they need to do — to stay safe,” Dorrance said.
With the path the storm is on now, Dorrance said he hopes Lula’s won't lose power or have any reason to close, but that decision will have to wait.
“It’s a moving target, just like this storm is a moving target,” he said.
Julian Khater, co-owner of Frutta Bowls, said about 80 percent of its staff is students, and several of them have made their way out of Chapel Hill in hopes of avoiding the storm.