If you’ve been feeling like you’re on pins and needles lately, Campus Health Services has a solution for you: more pins and needles.
Campus Health Services began offering acupuncture sessions through the physical therapy clinics three weeks ago as a partnership between UNC and Triangle Acupuncture Clinic. This service consists of a 30-minute session that costs $50 per student and is offered from 5 to 8 p.m. on Thursdays through making an appointment. Sessions are held in a group setting with up to five students per session.
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine used to relieve stress, which college students are particularly prone to.
“Acupuncture has been shown to reduce pain — chronic pain, acute pain, stress and anxiety, and it’s been known to reduce inflammatory factors,” said Danny Lopez, an acupuncturist of Triangle Acupuncture Clinic. “For college students, it helps with stress, insomnia, digestive issues as well. Stress is just the main contributor for so many things that can cause more complicated issues.”
Campus Health Services Executive Director Ken Pittman said the decision to include acupuncture in their offered services was based off of many students expressing their satisfaction with the practice.