Anti-Silent Sam organizers and protesters packed the Chapel Hill Courthouse Tuesday morning to show solidarity with 11 of the individuals facing charges for crimes allegedly carried out during demonstrations at Silent Sam.
Inside the courthouse, many waited to enter and “pack the court” to support those with scheduled cases. The room quickly filled, and officials ushered attendees in and out of the courtroom throughout the morning.
Scott Holmes, a lawyer of the defendants and professor at the North Carolina Central University's School of Law, gave a brief statement to the courthouse after speaking to his clients.
“The real problem here is not these folks behind me, but the public nuisance of that symbol of the violent defense of human enslavement that sits on our campus, and that responsible leaders would understand at this point needs to come down," Holmes said.
Holmes announced the cases will be continued on Nov. 5, and another group of cases of protestors will be held on Oct. 18.
Outside, protestors gave speeches and offered free biscuits and doughnuts to attendees who waited for openings to sit in the court. In addition to serving breakfast, Defend UNC, the organization that arranged the event, set up a table in the Peace and Justice Plaza where attendees could write letters to political prisoners with birthdays during October.
UNC student activist and graduate teaching assistant Maya Little also spoke to the activists.
“Thank you for again creating this community when the people in power have abandoned us,” Little said.
Lindsay Ayling, a Ph.D. candidate in UNC’s history department and member of Defend UNC, helped to organize the event.